How to Stop Night Terrors in Adults

Are sleepless nights and terrifying nightmares keeping you awake?

If you’re an adult struggling with night terrors, you know firsthand how deeply unsettling and disruptive they can be.

Whether it’s fear of the dark, past traumas, or mysterious creatures lurking in the shadows, night terrors can haunt your nights and leave you exhausted during the day.

But fear not!

In this article, we will explore effective strategies and practical tips to help you overcome night terrors and reclaim restful nights for a peaceful, well-rested life.

Understanding Night Terrors

Night terrors are a type of sleep disorder that can cause intense fear and confusion, often leading to sudden waking episodes during the night.

Unlike nightmares, which are vivid and and usually easier to remember, night terrors are characterized by a sense of terror and may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweating, and yelling or screaming.

These episodes typically occur during the first few hours of deep sleep, known as the non-REM stage, and can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.

While nightmares often revolve around specific fears or anxieties, night terrors are less easily traced to a specific cause and may seem to come out of nowhere.

It is believed that night terrors in adults can be triggered by a variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation, and certain medications or substances.

It is important to distinguish between nightmares and night terrors, as the approach to managing and treating these conditions may differ.

Understanding the causes and symptoms of night terrors is the first step in overcoming this sleep disorder and achieving a more restful night’s sleep.

Causes of Night Terrors in Adults

Night terrors in adults can be caused by a variety of factors.

One common cause is stress, which can lead to an overactive mind during sleep and trigger intense, vivid nightmares.

Similarly, trauma, such as experiences of abuse or accidents, can manifest in the form of night terrors as the subconscious mind tries to process and resolve these traumatic events.

Another contributing factor is sleep deprivation, which disrupts the normal sleep cycle and can increase the likelihood of experiencing night terrors.

Additionally, certain medications, particularly those that affect the central nervous system, may interfere with the brain’s ability to regulate sleep and dreams, potentially leading to night terrors.

It is important to identify and address the underlying causes of night terrors in adults in order to effectively overcome them and ensure a restful night’s sleep.

Treatment and Prevention of Night Terrors

Night terrors, also known as sleep terrors, can be a distressing experience for adults.

However, with the right treatment and prevention methods, it is possible to overcome this fear and enjoy restful nights once again.

When it comes to treating night terrors, there are several options to consider.

Firstly, medical interventions such as medication can be prescribed by a healthcare professional to help reduce the frequency and intensity of night terrors.

Therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), can also be highly effective in addressing the underlying causes of these episodes.

Through CBT techniques, individuals can learn to identify and challenge negative thought patterns that may contribute to their night terrors.

Additionally, lifestyle changes can play a significant role in managing and preventing night terrors.

This could include adopting a consistent sleep schedule, creating a calm and relaxing sleep environment, and practicing stress-reduction techniques before bed.

By implementing these treatment and prevention methods, adults can regain control over their sleep patterns and minimize the occurrence of night terrors, ultimately leading to a more peaceful and restorative night’s sleep.


In conclusion, night terrors in adults can be a distressing experience.

However, it is important to remember that they can also be managed and prevented.

By understanding the causes and triggers of night terrors, individuals can take proactive steps to overcome their fears.

One of the main strategies is to establish a regular sleep routine, ensuring that they go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.

This helps to regulate the body’s internal clock and create a sense of stability.

Additionally, practicing relaxation techniques before bed such as deep breathing exercises and meditation can help to calm the mind and body.

Engaging in stress-reducing activities during the day, such as exercise or talking to a therapist, can also alleviate anxiety and reduce the likelihood of night terrors.

Creating a comfortable sleep environment, with minimal distractions and soft lighting, can contribute to a sense of relaxation and safety.

It is also important to avoid stimulants and substances that can disrupt sleep, such as caffeine and alcohol.

Lastly, seeking professional help from a healthcare provider or sleep specialist can provide valuable guidance and support in managing night terrors.

Ultimately, by implementing these strategies and seeking appropriate help, individuals can take control of their night terrors and improve their quality of sleep and overall well-being.


What are night terrors in adults?

Night terrors in adults are intense episodes of fear that occur during sleep, often accompanied by screaming, thrashing, and a sense of extreme panic.

Unlike nightmares, which are more common and often remembered upon waking, night terrors are usually not remembered and can cause significant distress and disruption in sleep patterns.

What causes night terrors in adults?

Night terrors in adults can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions.

What are the common symptoms of night terrors in adults?

The common symptoms of night terrors in adults include sudden awakening from sleep, intense fear or terror, rapid heartbeat, heavy breathing, sweating, crying out, and feeling out of control.

These episodes often occur during the first few hours of sleep and the individual may have no memory of the episode the next day.

How frequently do night terrors occur in adults?

Night terrors can occur in adults, but the frequency varies.

While they are more commonly experienced by children, some adults may experience night terrors sporadically or on a regular basis.

It is important to seek professional help if night terrors significantly affect your quality of sleep and daily functioning.

Are night terrors in adults a sign of a serious condition?

Night terrors in adults can be a sign of a serious condition.

How are night terrors diagnosed in adults?

Night terrors in adults are typically diagnosed through an evaluation of the individual’s symptoms and a thorough medical history.

A doctor may perform a physical examination to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Additionally, the individual may be asked to keep a sleep journal to track the frequency, duration, and intensity of their night terrors.

In some cases, a sleep study called a polysomnogram may be recommended to monitor brain activity, breathing patterns, and other factors during sleep.

What are the treatment options for night terrors in adults?

The treatment options for night terrors in adults can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication, relaxation techniques, and creating a safe sleep environment.

Are there any self-help strategies for dealing with night terrors?

Yes, there are self-help strategies that can be effective in dealing with night terrors in adults.Some

of these strategies include practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation.Establishing

a consistent sleep routine and creating a calming sleep environment can also help reduce the frequency and intensity of night terrors.Additionally,

engaging in stress-reducing activities during the day, such as exercise and mindfulness meditation, can contribute to better sleep and a decreased likelihood of experiencing night terrors.

How can I prevent night terrors from occurring?

There are several strategies you can try to prevent night terrors from occurring:- Establish a regular sleep routine and stick to it.-

Create a calm and relaxing sleep environment.-

Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation or deep breathing before bed.-

Avoid consuming stimulating substances like caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime.-

Consider therapy or counseling to address any underlying anxiety or trauma that may be contributing to the night terrors.

What steps should I take if I experience a night terror?

If you experience a night terror, there are several steps you can take to help alleviate the fear and overcome the episode.

Firstly, focus on your breathing and try to take slow, deep breaths to help calm your body.

It can also be helpful to remind yourself that it is just a temporary situation and that you are safe.

Creating a relaxing bedtime routine and ensuring your sleeping environment is comfortable and stress-free can also reduce the likelihood of night terrors occurring.

Seeking professional help from a therapist or sleep specialist can provide you with additional guidance and techniques to manage and overcome night terrors.

Will medication help stop night terrors in adults?

Medication can be helpful in reducing the frequency and intensity of night terrors in adults.

Consultation with a healthcare professional is necessary to determine the most suitable medication and dosage for individual cases.

Does diet or lifestyle have an impact on night terrors?

Yes, diet and lifestyle can have an impact on night terrors.

Certain foods and drinks, such as caffeine, alcohol, and heavy or spicy meals, can disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to the occurrence of night terrors.

Poor sleep hygiene, including irregular sleep schedules, lack of exercise, and high stress levels, can also increase the likelihood of experiencing night terrors.

By adopting a healthy diet and lifestyle, individuals can improve their sleep quality and reduce the frequency of night terrors.