What to Do with Old Pillows

Did you know that old pillows can be recycled in a smart and eco-friendly way?

Instead of tossing them in the trash, there are several creative and useful ways to give your old pillows a new lease on life.

From repurposing them for craft projects to donating them to animal shelters, let’s explore the many options for smart recycling of old pillows.

Why Recycling Pillows is Not as Simple as it Seems

Recycling pillows is not as simple as it seems due to their material composition and the gaps in the current recycling systems.

Pillows are typically made of a combination of materials, such as foam, polyester, cotton, and feathers.

This mixture of materials makes it challenging to separate and recycle them efficiently.

Traditional recycling methods and facilities are not equipped to handle such a diverse range of materials in a single product.

Additionally, the lack of specific recycling systems for pillows contributes to the difficulty.

While there are recycling programs for certain materials like plastic and paper, there are no widespread programs specifically designed for pillows.

As a result, many pillows end up in landfills, contributing to environmental waste.

Efforts are being made to address this issue and develop innovative recycling solutions for pillows, but until then, finding ways to repurpose or donate old pillows may be the most environmentally responsible option.

How to Recycle Old Pillows

When it comes to recycling old pillows, there are several steps you can take to ensure they are properly disposed of.

First, it is important to disassemble the pillow before recycling.

Start by removing the pillowcase and any other removable covers.

These can often be reused or donated to local shelters or charity organizations.

Next, carefully open up the pillow to access the filling.

Depending on the type of pillow, the filling can be made of various materials such as down feathers, foam, or polyester.

These materials can be recycled separately.

Down feathers can be repurposed for insulation or used in other textile products.

Foam can be recycled into carpet padding or insulation.

Polyester filling can be repurposed into upholstery or used for stuffing other items.

Additionally, some recycling centers accept intact pillows, especially if they are made of natural fibers like cotton or wool.

It is important to check with your local recycling facility to determine if they accept pillows and what their specific guidelines are.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your old pillows are contributing to a more sustainable future by being properly recycled.

Repurposing Pillows: Creative and Practical Uses

Have you ever wondered what to do with your old pillows after they have lost their fluff?

Instead of throwing them away and contributing to the ever-growing waste problem, why not consider repurposing them?

There are plenty of creative and practical uses for old pillows that can provide a more immediate way to reduce waste.

If you have a crafty side, you can repurpose your old pillows into adorable stuffed animals or decorative cushion covers.

Simply cut out the fabric and sew it into different shapes and sizes.

You can also repurpose your old pillows in the garden by using them as planters or to create a comfortable seating area.

Fill an old pillowcase with soil and plant flowers or herbs in it for a unique and eco-friendly garden display.

Additionally, old pillows can be repurposed for your furry friends.

Stuff a pillowcase with your pet’s old toys or clothes to create a cozy bed that they will love.

Alternatively, you can donate your old pillows to animal shelters or rescue organizations that are in need of bedding for their animals.

So, next time you are thinking of getting rid of your old pillows, think twice and get creative instead!

Donating and Composting Options

When it comes to disposing of old pillows, there are a few smart recycling options to consider that go beyond simply throwing them away.

One possibility is to donate them to local charities or shelters.

Many organizations gladly accept gently used pillows, as long as they are still in reasonably good condition and have been properly washed.

Donating pillows not only helps those in need, but also reduces waste and promotes sustainability.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that some charities may have specific requirements or restrictions on the types of pillows they accept, so it’s a good idea to call ahead and confirm.

Another option is to compost the pillows.

Composting not only diverts waste from landfills, but also contributes to the creation of nutrient-rich soil.

To compost pillows, the first step is to remove any non-compostable materials, such as the pillowcase or stuffing.

Once the pillow is stripped down to its natural fibers, it can be cut into smaller pieces or shredded to expedite the decomposition process.

However, it’s worth noting that certain pillows, particularly those made with synthetic fibers or chemicals, may not be suitable for composting.

In such cases, it’s best to check with your local composting facility or experts for guidance.

Both donating and composting old pillows are valuable alternatives to landfill disposal, offering environmental and social benefits.

By evaluating the potential benefits and drawbacks of each course of action, individuals can make informed choices when it comes to smart recycling of their old pillows.

Where to Buy Eco-friendly Pillows

When it comes to smart recycling and being environmentally conscious, even the smallest items can make a big difference.

One such item is old pillows.

Instead of simply throwing them away and contributing to landfill waste, there are eco-friendly alternatives to consider.

If you’re looking to replace your old pillows, it’s worth investing in pillows that are made with eco-friendly materials and are designed to be easily recycled or biodegraded.

There are several options available for purchasing these environmentally friendly pillows.

Many specialty stores that focus on sustainable products offer a range of eco-friendly pillow options.

Additionally, online retailers dedicated to eco-friendly products provide a convenient way to browse and purchase these pillows from the comfort of your own home.

It’s important to look for pillows made from natural materials such as organic cotton, bamboo, or recycled fibers.

These materials not only reduce the amount of plastic and synthetic materials in our environment, but they also promote healthy indoor air quality.

In addition to the materials used, it’s also worth considering the packaging of the pillows.

Opt for brands that offer minimal or recyclable packaging to further reduce waste.

By choosing eco-friendly pillows, you are not only making a positive impact on the environment, but you are also supporting companies that prioritize sustainability.

So, the next time you need new pillows, make the smart choice and consider purchasing eco-friendly options that can be easily recycled or biodegraded.


In conclusion, smart recycling of old pillows is an important step towards sustainable waste management.

By reusing or repurposing pillows instead of sending them to landfills, we can reduce environmental impact and promote a circular economy.

Key points to consider include donating used pillows to animal shelters or homeless shelters, as well as engaging in DIY projects to give pillows a new lease of life.

Additionally, exploring emerging technologies such as pillow recycling machines or innovative materials that are both recyclable and comfortable could be the future of sustainable pillow disposal.

With increased awareness and efforts from both individuals and industries, we can create a greener and more environmentally responsible pillow recycling system.

Let’s work together to eliminate waste and ensure a healthier planet for future generations.


What are some smart ways to recycle old pillows?

Some smart ways to recycle old pillows include donating them to animal shelters, repurposing them as pet bedding or floor cushions, using the filling as stuffing for craft projects like stuffed animals or poufs, and sending them to facilities that specialize in textile recycling to be turned into new products like insulation or upholstery stuffing.

Can pillows be recycled in regular recycling bins?

No, pillows cannot be recycled in regular recycling bins.

Most recycling facilities do not accept pillows because they are made of a combination of materials such as foam, fabric, and stuffing, which makes it difficult to separate and recycle them properly.

However, there are alternative ways to recycle or dispose of old pillows responsibly.

What are the environmental benefits of recycling old pillows?

Recycling old pillows brings several environmental benefits.

Firstly, it reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, helping to conserve valuable landfill space.

Secondly, it saves resources and energy that would otherwise be used in the production of new pillows.

Finally, recycling old pillows prevents harmful chemicals and materials from being released into the environment, promoting a healthier and greener planet.

Are there any charities or organizations that accept used pillows?

Yes, there are several charities and organizations that accept used pillows.

Some of these include homeless shelters, animal shelters, and thrift stores.

It’s always a good idea to contact these organizations beforehand to check if they have specific requirements for accepting donated pillows.

Can all types of pillows be recycled?

Not all types of pillows can be recycled.

While some pillows can be recycled, such as those made from natural materials like cotton or wool, others cannot.

Synthetic-filled pillows, like those made from polyester or foam, are generally not recyclable.

It’s always best to check with your local recycling center or waste management facility to determine if your specific type of pillow can be recycled.

What materials from a pillow can be recycled?

Materials from a pillow that can be recycled include the fabric cover, foam or fiber fill, and any synthetic materials used in the construction of the pillow.

How can I repurpose an old pillow at home?

There are several ways to repurpose an old pillow at home.

One option is to use it as a pet bed for your furry friend.

Simply remove the pillowcase, clean the pillow, and place it in a cozy corner for your pet to relax on.

Another idea is to use the stuffing from the pillow to fill up a draft stopper.

Sew up one end of an old sock or fabric tube, fill it with the pillow stuffing, and then sew up the other end.

You can place the draft stopper at the bottom of doors or windows to prevent air leakage.

Additionally, old pillows can be used to create cushioned seating for outdoor furniture.

Cut the pillow into smaller sections and cover them with outdoor fabric or waterproof material to make comfortable and durable cushions.

Another creative way to repurpose old pillows is by turning them into floor pillows.

Sew a pillowcase or cover for the pillow using fabric of your choice and place it in a living room or children’s play area for extra seating options.

Finally, if your pillow is still in good condition, consider donating it to a local charity, shelter, or animal rescue organization.

They may be able to find a use for your old pillow and give it a new life.

Are there special facilities where I can recycle my old pillows?

Yes, there are special facilities where you can recycle your old pillows.

Many recycling centers and waste management facilities accept pillows for recycling.

These facilities have specialized processes in place to separate and recycle the various components of the pillows, such as the fabric and filling materials.

It is always a good idea to check with your local recycling center or waste management facility to find out the specific guidelines and procedures for recycling pillows in your area.

How do I find pillow recycling facilities near me?

You can find pillow recycling facilities near you by doing a quick online search or by contacting your local waste management or recycling center.

They will be able to provide you with information on the nearest facilities that accept old pillows for recycling.

It is important to check if the facilities accept pillows specifically, as not all recycling centers may have services for recycling pillows specifically.

Recycling facilities that specialize in textiles or fiber products may be your best bet for pillow recycling.

Can I compost any parts of my old pillow?

No, you should not compost any parts of your old pillow.

Pillows are typically made from synthetic materials, such as polyester or memory foam, which do not break down in compost.

Additionally, pillows may contain harmful chemicals or additives that could contaminate the compost pile.

It is best to dispose of old pillows in the proper recycling or waste management channels.

How to ensure I am recycling pillows in an environmentally friendly manner?

To ensure you are recycling pillows in an environmentally friendly manner, first, check if the pillows can be donated.

If they are still in good condition, consider giving them away to local shelters or charities.

If the pillows are no longer usable, search for textile recycling centers in your area that accept pillows for recycling.

Some recycling facilities are equipped to properly process the material, extracting any reusable components and reducing waste.

By doing so, you can contribute to creating a more sustainable and eco-friendly recycling process for old pillows.

Are there any health risks associated with not properly disposing off old pillows?

Yes, there are potential health risks associated with not properly disposing of old pillows.

Over time, pillows collect dust mites, dead skin cells, and other allergens which can trigger allergies and respiratory problems.

Additionally, old pillows may become breeding grounds for bacteria and mold, posing a risk to your health.

Therefore, it is important to properly dispose of old pillows to prevent these health hazards.

What if public recycling facilities in my area do not accept pillows?

If public recycling facilities in your area do not accept pillows, there are still alternative options available.

One option is to check with local animal shelters or wildlife rehabilitation centers, as they may accept old pillows for bedding.

Another option is to repurpose the pillows yourself by using the filling for crafts or DIY projects.

Additionally, some textile recycling companies or organizations accept pillows by mail or through drop-off locations.

Researching these alternatives can help ensure your old pillows don’t end up in the landfill.

Can I break down my old pillow and use it for something else?

Yes, you can break down your old pillow and use it for various purposes.

The filling can be reused for stuffing in DIY projects like cushions or stuffed animals.

The fabric cover can be repurposed for crafts or cut into smaller pieces to use as cleaning rags.

By repurposing your old pillow, you can reduce waste and give it a new life.

What steps are involved in pillows recycling process?

The steps involved in the pillow recycling process typically include: collection of old pillows, sorting them based on material type, removing any hardware or accessories, separating foam from the outer fabric, shredding the foam into smaller pieces, cleaning the fabric, and then either reusing the foam for new products or recycling the fabric materials.